Orthodontic Dentistry

Did you know that straight teeth are easier to clean and have more health benefits than crooked or overlapped teeth and overbites?  Dental & Orthodontic Studios and Clinics offer braces for youth and adults.

Orthodontia is the branch of dentistry that deals with abnormalities of the teeth and jaw. Orthodontic care involves the use of devices, such as braces, to: Straighten your teeth. Correct problems with your bite. Close gaps between your teeth.

Sometimes other procedures are incorporated like plates and frenotomy.

Frenotomy (Frenum Removal Surgery)

Frenotomy is frenum removal surgery.  A frenum is in the mouth, and is known as a frenulum – it is a piece of soft tissue that runs in a thin line between the lips and gums. It's on the top and bottom of your mouth. This can cause a gap in the teeth and sometimes push them a part so that they fan sideways.  The removal of the frenum is done before or during the braces procedure to close the gaps in between the centre of the front teeth.

Dental Braces & Plates

Why is a quote needed for braces? You're an individual and even if you had a twin, your teeth would still be different. There are a variety of cases ranging from mild to severe in addition to other dental issues.

Your teeth are a form of unique identification. If you take a bite out of something then your dental records can prove that you're the culprit. Therefore, you have to get a consult to get a quote because your teeth are not the same as everyone else's.

But we have made it easier, safer, and more cost-effective for you. Many people get adult braces later.

The benefits of braces are that:

  • They Prevent Tooth Decay
  • They Prevent Cavities
  • They Help with Digestion
  • They Prevent Injury
  • They Prevent Bone Erosion
  • They Help with Self-Esteem
  • They Help with Proportions